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WHO WE ARE . . .


The Company of Master Mariners of Canada is a nautical professional association with members serving in command at

sea as well as members serving in management positions ashore in private and public sectors or as pilots, surveyors, practising law and teaching in nautical schools. This professional association has neither union affiliations, commercial intentions, nor political connections. Incorporated under the Corporations Act in May 1967, the Company's principal objectives, as stated in its Letters Patent, may be summarized as follows: 


  • to provide a representative, professional body for Canadians qualified to command merchant ships,

  • to encourage a high standard of practical proficiency and professional conduct in officers of the Canadian Merchant Service, 

  • to offer experience and nautical expertise to Courts of Inquiry, Royal Commissions, government committees,

  • to be available for consultation on all matters affecting commercial shipping and the nautical profession, and

  • to encourage and develop the education and training of Canadian seafarers. 


The business of the Corporation shall be carried on without pecuniary gain to its members and any revenues shall be used in promoting its objectives. 




To find out about becoming a member of the Company of Master Mariners of Canada, contact Captain John Greenway.

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